Sunday, 26 April 2009

Saturday the 25th of Apr – Protecting our investment

Dad bumped into Professor Martelli yesterday. The Professor immediately recognized him and addressed him more as one father to another. He repeated that although Mar’s situation is difficult, there is hope. I think Dad really appreciated this gesture. While chatting in bed, it makes Mar and I reflect on these past few days. We come to the conclusion that Professor Martelli really believes his treatment can make a difference. He has complete faith where the Dutch decided Mar's Return On Investment is too low! This makes us laugh. Harsh but real. Ultimately Mar knows she will overcome this. That’s all that matters.

Since there is a good chance I will be Mar’s donor, Mom uses this as even more ammunition to make me eat healthier. Eat more vegetables and fruit, she tirelessly preaches! Every opportunity she gets on the phone is one to reinforce this message. In fact she even gets Dad to send her sms reports of our daily dietary regime…Moms will be moms.

Mar takes it one step further and jokes that I’m eating for two now! I retort by resorting to the classic guilt trip: “You better be nice to me Mar, I’m giving you my stem cells!”

We slept well last night although we’re not sure if the walls are thin or if our neighbors are just loud. It’s probably both. This is the first day since the beginning of our Italian mission that we can sleep in and relax. It’s been exhausting not as much physically as it has mentally. I dare anyone to deny that even the most loving of families know moments of irritation among its members…Mildly put of course! I’m sure you can also appreciate that Mar, Dad and I all have very different characters. Under stress, we each have our own ways to calm ourselves. Dad gets restless, a little more talkative and is constantly on the move. Mar achieves relaxation by overdosing on cappuccinos, reading and making intelligent remarks on the articles being read. My symptoms manifest in a dangerous drop of my patience level, heightened snappiness and solitude is desperately needed to recharge. Clearly our M.O.s far from complement each other and it becomes even less bearable when on each other’s lip 24/7.

Thankfully, in most cases two of us will clash while the 3rd acts as a mediator/translator in the event of miscommunication. So we take turns. It also helps that our family manages to diffuse stressful situations with humor and so Dad may explode one minute, the next he’ll crack a joke and make us smile.

Our irritations while frequent never last long.

Dad saw little Chiara this morning too. Behind her mask she breathes like the great great great granddaughter of Darth Vader. It doesn’t seem to bother her and she happily trots around under the constant watchful eyes of at least 2 adoring adults.

We have lunch in town again today. It’s a beautiful day. After lunch, we stroll about before installing ourselves on a sunny terrace overlooking the hills. Dad leaves us to run some errands, Mar has her cappuccino and reads the Economist, I soak up the sun and silently enjoy the view…Bliss!


  1. Hello Paula!
    Ive been following your news and am thinking about Mar, you and your family every day. I only think positive, strong thoughts and, even though i cannot be there physically, you are ALWAYS in my heart.

    Emma xxxxxxxx

  2. Dearest Paula,

    I received your mail with your news and wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts daily... all of you. Mar is a wonderful strong person, who luckily has a great big support system, which will bring her through this!! It is great that you are having some time to enjoy each others company before starting the next treatment!! We want to wish you all the luck in the world and you are in our minds and hearts constantly. Sorry to be so far away!!

    Lots of love,

  3. Thx Emma and Sandra. You have no idea how comforting it is to know we're in the hearts of so many friends! Keep on sending us all your positive and happy vibes!

    Hope all is well with you and the kids!

    Love. Paula

  4. Lieve Paula & Mara (and family),

    I have caught up reading your blog and this is great for us that are wanting to know how things are going. I'm praying everything will go well in Perugia and sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes.

    Please keep writing as you do a lovely job and it makes us that are far away in distance feel so close to you in heart.

    Love to you all,
    Shel Xx
